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The Reeves CMC Venture Development Proposal

The Reeves CMC Venture Development Proposal

MMD works with developers to brand their projects, build awareness and reach, and engage stakeholders with powerful communications assets. MMD has partnered with developers CSG Urban Partners, MRP Realty and Capri Capital Partners to respond to an RFP for the redevelopment of the Frank D. Reeves Center at 14th; U Streets in Washington, DC. In addition to the development team, the design team consists of Michael Marshall Design, PGN Architects and Bradley Site Design.

The project being culturally significant to the local history of Washington DC, the NAACP, and to the broader history of the nation, the Reeves CMC team, knew it would be very important to communicate its vision in a compelling way. While planning the response to the RFP, MMD branding worked with the Reeves CMC team to develop a number of deliverables to help tell the story of their proposal and plan for the redevelopment. Most importantly, the Reeves CMC team wanted to ensure the community, the ANC and other key audiences were engaged from the very beginning.

A cohesive brand identity was established for the Reeves CMC team with the creation of a logo and style guide that defined the typography and color palette. This new visual identity informed all assets across communication channels, ensuring a unified and consistent look. Key messaging, including a tagline and positioning statements, was developed to differentiate the proposal and articulate its core elements, such as the Frederick Douglass Plaza and Marion Barry Amphitheater. Early in the process, a website was launched and regularly updated with project news and information about tenant and community partners. The site also encouraged engagement, inviting visitors to share feedback and support. At the same time, a social media campaign across Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn expanded audience reach, sharing updates and fostering broader community engagement.

To further support the communications strategy, visual assets like posters, flyers, and infographics were created to present key facts in an accessible format, shared across the website and social media. Additionally, the MMD team contributed to the marketing efforts, including the opportunity to host a screening of the documentary “AILEY,” reinforcing the partnership with the Ailey School and enhancing the project’s visibility.

As part of the effort the team has sought community feedback in a variety of ways including weekly engagement meetings in front of the Reeves Center and at Ben’s Chili Bowl, where members of the development and design team set up tables to meet passersby, hear their thoughts, and have conversations about the neighborhood and plans.


Washington, DC, USA


The Reeves CMC Venture



Project Type




Total Built-Up Area




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The Reeves CMC Venture Development Proposal

The Reeves CMC Venture
Collateral and Publication Design

MMD works with developers to brand their projects, build awareness and reach, and engage stakeholders with powerful communications assets. MMD has partnered with developers CSG Urban Partners, MRP Realty and Capri Capital Partners to respond to an RFP for the redevelopment of the Frank D. Reeves Center at 14th; U Streets in Washington, DC. In addition to the development team, the design team consists of Michael Marshall Design, PGN Architects and Bradley Site Design.

The project being culturally significant to the local history of Washington DC, the NAACP, and to the broader history of the nation, the Reeves CMC team, knew it would be very important to communicate its vision in a compelling way. While planning the response to the RFP, MMD branding worked with the Reeves CMC team to develop a number of deliverables to help tell the story of their proposal and plan for the redevelopment. Most importantly, the Reeves CMC team wanted to ensure the community, the ANC and other key audiences were engaged from the very beginning.

A cohesive brand identity was established for the Reeves CMC team with the creation of a logo and style guide that defined the typography and color palette. This new visual identity informed all assets across communication channels, ensuring a unified and consistent look. Key messaging, including a tagline and positioning statements, was developed to differentiate the proposal and articulate its core elements, such as the Frederick Douglass Plaza and Marion Barry Amphitheater. Early in the process, a website was launched and regularly updated with project news and information about tenant and community partners. The site also encouraged engagement, inviting visitors to share feedback and support. At the same time, a social media campaign across Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn expanded audience reach, sharing updates and fostering broader community engagement.

To further support the communications strategy, visual assets like posters, flyers, and infographics were created to present key facts in an accessible format, shared across the website and social media. Additionally, the MMD team contributed to the marketing efforts, including the opportunity to host a screening of the documentary “AILEY,” reinforcing the partnership with the Ailey School and enhancing the project’s visibility.

As part of the effort the team has sought community feedback in a variety of ways including weekly engagement meetings in front of the Reeves Center and at Ben’s Chili Bowl, where members of the development and design team set up tables to meet passersby, hear their thoughts, and have conversations about the neighborhood and plans.

“We are proud of this coordinated effort as we work with our partners to tell the story of our vision for this iconic place in our nation’s capital.” - Michael Marshall
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