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Greater Washington Community Foundation Anniversary Campaign and Exhibit Design

Greater Washington Community Foundation Anniversary Campaign and Exhibit Design

For more than 50 years, The GWCF has created lasting impact for the Greater Washington region by connecting philanthropy to impact, addressing critical community needs, strengthening neighborhoods and community institutions, and pursuing economic justice. The ultimate goal of the Foundation is to achieve its mission of building equitable, just and thriving communities. This year, to celebrate its 50 year anniversary, the Foundation hosted an event at the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture.

The event theme was "History, Hope & Healing."  MMD was hired to create a dedicated logo for the event, as well as invitation, program and additional print and digital assets that were used to create awareness, drive pre-engagement before the event and generate excitement for this special milestone celebration.

Building on the Foundation's  primary brand colors, MMD created a complementary color palette that exudes energy and warmth. The "sun burst" treatment of the logo was used as a design element across all materials.  Strong typography and powerful copy served to communicate key messages -- encouraging engagement from audiences both familiar and new to the organization. As part of the assignment, MMD created an exhibit for the event that was installed in the lobby of the museum where arriving guests could experience the impact of the past 50 years. The interactive exhibit featured a timeline showcasing critical milestones, with quotes, images and content, allowing visitors to truly be immersed in the Foundation's work and legacy. The digital timeline moved quickly through key milestone events, and was strategically located in the museum lobby where visitors were entering to sign in, and were also moving from the main level to other levels for the event's various happenings.

The exhibit featured multiple screens placed side by side, running a colorful, visually captivating video loop. One particularly engaging feature of the display allowed visitors to move through the timeline at their own pace, by waving their arms to navigate through the content. Visitors were also invited to "add their voice" to the exhibit. By using their phones through a QR code they were able to share their own experiences and also their own hopes for the next 50 years.

The event was a resounding success; attracting more than 400 guests and serving as a springboard for the Foundation to ramp up engagement efforts in conjunction with fundraising goals for 2023 and beyond.


Washington, DC, USA


Greater Washington Community Foundation


Project Type



Total Built-Up Area




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Greater Washington Community Foundation Anniversary Campaign and Exhibit Design

Greater Washington Community Foundation
Non Profit
Brand Development, Environmental Graphics, Digital Asset Design

For more than 50 years, The GWCF has created lasting impact for the Greater Washington region by connecting philanthropy to impact, addressing critical community needs, strengthening neighborhoods and community institutions, and pursuing economic justice. The ultimate goal of the Foundation is to achieve its mission of building equitable, just and thriving communities. This year, to celebrate its 50 year anniversary, the Foundation hosted an event at the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture.

The event theme was "History, Hope & Healing."  MMD was hired to create a dedicated logo for the event, as well as invitation, program and additional print and digital assets that were used to create awareness, drive pre-engagement before the event and generate excitement for this special milestone celebration.

Building on the Foundation's  primary brand colors, MMD created a complementary color palette that exudes energy and warmth. The "sun burst" treatment of the logo was used as a design element across all materials.  Strong typography and powerful copy served to communicate key messages -- encouraging engagement from audiences both familiar and new to the organization. As part of the assignment, MMD created an exhibit for the event that was installed in the lobby of the museum where arriving guests could experience the impact of the past 50 years. The interactive exhibit featured a timeline showcasing critical milestones, with quotes, images and content, allowing visitors to truly be immersed in the Foundation's work and legacy. The digital timeline moved quickly through key milestone events, and was strategically located in the museum lobby where visitors were entering to sign in, and were also moving from the main level to other levels for the event's various happenings.

The exhibit featured multiple screens placed side by side, running a colorful, visually captivating video loop. One particularly engaging feature of the display allowed visitors to move through the timeline at their own pace, by waving their arms to navigate through the content. Visitors were also invited to "add their voice" to the exhibit. By using their phones through a QR code they were able to share their own experiences and also their own hopes for the next 50 years.

The event was a resounding success; attracting more than 400 guests and serving as a springboard for the Foundation to ramp up engagement efforts in conjunction with fundraising goals for 2023 and beyond.

"Some say the racial wealth gap is too big to solve; we believe it's too urgent to be ignored."
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