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Prince George's Community College 60th Anniversary Magazine

Prince George's Community College 60th Anniversary Magazine

Prince George's Community College celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2018. The College commemorated this important milestone in a number of ways, including publishing a 60th anniversary issue of its annual magazine, Progressions. The MMD branding team was hired to provide editorial and design services for the publication.

In addition to celebrating the anniversary, the special issue was designed to reinforce brand messages, including the College's vision, mission and key goals, that were defined as part of its strategic initiatives for 2020 and beyond. The issue was a true celebration of past, present, and future. A timeline illustrated important benchmarks from the College's humble beginnings in 1958, and an interview with the College's longest-serving administrator provide a nod to the past.

Traditional and contemporary design elements were woven together to clearly illustrate both the rich tradition and modern impact of the College as a contributor to regional economic prosperity. A number of editorial features speak to current programs and initiatives and also tell the story of growth and expansion. A variety of "voices" were captured, with a special section dedicated to quotes from students, administrators, faculty, retirees, board members, partners, and alumni.


Prince George's County, MD


Prince George's Community College


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Prince George's Community College 60th Anniversary Magazine

Prince George's Community College
Higher Education

Prince George's Community College celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2018. The College commemorated this important milestone in a number of ways, including publishing a 60th anniversary issue of its annual magazine, Progressions. The MMD branding team was hired to provide editorial and design services for the publication.

In addition to celebrating the anniversary, the special issue was designed to reinforce brand messages, including the College's vision, mission and key goals, that were defined as part of its strategic initiatives for 2020 and beyond. The issue was a true celebration of past, present, and future. A timeline illustrated important benchmarks from the College's humble beginnings in 1958, and an interview with the College's longest-serving administrator provide a nod to the past.

Traditional and contemporary design elements were woven together to clearly illustrate both the rich tradition and modern impact of the College as a contributor to regional economic prosperity. A number of editorial features speak to current programs and initiatives and also tell the story of growth and expansion. A variety of "voices" were captured, with a special section dedicated to quotes from students, administrators, faculty, retirees, board members, partners, and alumni.

"The stories and photos shared in Progressions speak to our past, celebrate the present, and strengthen the foundation for our future." - Prince George's Community College
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