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DC Public School's ELA Brand Identity

DC Public School's ELA Brand Identity

In early 2018, the Office of Teaching and Learning enlisted MMD to develop a comprehensive identity system for a major citywide initiative aimed at refining and publishing DC Public Schools' literacy programs. The project scope included creating a new name, logo, messaging, iconography, and a range of collateral materials.

To ensure the system met all needs, MMD conducted biweekly meetings to fully understand the curriculum team's requirements, how the materials would be used, and to gather feedback from active users. Given the extensive amount of copy and the need for future-proofing, MMD designed a brand and accompanying documents that were fully editable within the Microsoft Word ecosystem. This approach allowed both current and future team members to easily modify documents without requiring design expertise.

The final deliverables included a vibrant color palette and engaging iconography, along with various communication tools such as PowerPoint and curriculum templates. This ensured the brand was not only visually compelling but also practical and adaptable for ongoing use.


Washington, DC, USA


DC Public Education Fund


Project Type



Total Built-Up Area




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DC Public School's ELA Brand Identity

DC Public Education Fund
Identity and Collateral

In early 2018, the Office of Teaching and Learning enlisted MMD to develop a comprehensive identity system for a major citywide initiative aimed at refining and publishing DC Public Schools' literacy programs. The project scope included creating a new name, logo, messaging, iconography, and a range of collateral materials.

To ensure the system met all needs, MMD conducted biweekly meetings to fully understand the curriculum team's requirements, how the materials would be used, and to gather feedback from active users. Given the extensive amount of copy and the need for future-proofing, MMD designed a brand and accompanying documents that were fully editable within the Microsoft Word ecosystem. This approach allowed both current and future team members to easily modify documents without requiring design expertise.

The final deliverables included a vibrant color palette and engaging iconography, along with various communication tools such as PowerPoint and curriculum templates. This ensured the brand was not only visually compelling but also practical and adaptable for ongoing use.

"I enjoyed working with MMD very much, and I appreciated all of the support along the way. Thanks again for being wonderful partners!" - Russell Helsabeck, M.Ed., Former Manager of Curriculum Development (OTL), DC Public Schools
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