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DC Public Education Fund 10th Anniversary

DC Public Education Fund 10th Anniversary

In 2017, the DC Public Education Fund celebrated its 10th anniversary. To commemorate this milestone, the organization invited colleagues, partners, funders and others to a Philanthropy Forum on October 5th in Washington, D.C. The goal was to share best practices and further important conversations about funding key educational initiatives.  In preparation for this important event, the organization looked to MMD to develop a brand identity for the forum and to design and develop the creative to promote the event across a variety of communications vehicles.

The MMD team created a logo, website, collateral materials, and signage. The design direction was inspired by the client's desire to capture elements of growth and educational achievement, identify the 10-year anniversary and include a nod to the nation's capital. The dynamic graphics were very well received by the intended audiences – and the event sold out weeks before the close date.

Since 2007, the organization has raised more than $120 million to help transform the DC Public Schools from an under performing district to one that is nationally recognized for growth in student achievement. The 10 year anniversary was a chance to showcase the successes and share best practices.

You can view the website here.


Washington, DC, USA


DC Public Education Fund


Project Type



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DC Public Education Fund 10th Anniversary

DC Public Education Fund
Identity, Collateral and Digital

In 2017, the DC Public Education Fund celebrated its 10th anniversary. To commemorate this milestone, the organization invited colleagues, partners, funders and others to a Philanthropy Forum on October 5th in Washington, D.C. The goal was to share best practices and further important conversations about funding key educational initiatives.  In preparation for this important event, the organization looked to MMD to develop a brand identity for the forum and to design and develop the creative to promote the event across a variety of communications vehicles.

The MMD team created a logo, website, collateral materials, and signage. The design direction was inspired by the client's desire to capture elements of growth and educational achievement, identify the 10-year anniversary and include a nod to the nation's capital. The dynamic graphics were very well received by the intended audiences – and the event sold out weeks before the close date.

Since 2007, the organization has raised more than $120 million to help transform the DC Public Schools from an under performing district to one that is nationally recognized for growth in student achievement. The 10 year anniversary was a chance to showcase the successes and share best practices.

You can view the website here.

Inspired by a decade of growth and achievement, MMD developed a dynamic brand identity for the DC Public Education Fund's 10th anniversary Philanthropy Forum, capturing the essence of educational progress and the spirit of Washington, D.C.
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