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Youth Invest Partners

Youth Invest Partners

In 2022 Venture Philanthropy Partners + Raise DC hired the MMD team to conduct a complete rebrand -- from a new name, messaging overhaul, new website and marketing collateral.

For more than two decades VPP was a well-regarded philanthropic investment organization that built strong nonprofits and strategic networks that improved the lives of children and youth throughout Greater Washington.

Since its inception, VPP developed the experience, capacity and credibility of bringing government, business and the nonprofit and philanthropic communities together to successfully advance cross-sector initiatives. Using its venture philanthropy model, it raised and deployed more than $110 million in funding to support capacity building initiatives in high-performing organizations where funding was scarce. VPP's large-scale, cross-sector, multi-year funding efforts combined investment capital, strategic assistance and a network of talented individuals with expertise in education, workforce development, social change, corporate philanthropy, government relations, outcomes, evaluation and finance.

In April of 2020, VPP formed a strategic alliance with Raise DC to build an investment organization capable of driving alignment among communities, spearheading a greater focus on collective impact.

The combined name was long and cumbersome, and leadership from both organizations agreed a rebrand would be essential in moving the work forward.

The MMD branding team was hired and immediately began a deep and extensive research and discovery phase, conducting interviews and workshops with founders, board and team members, partners, investors, and other key stakeholders to determine important strategic challenges and opportunities. Potential names were presented, along with high-level messaging, and all were invited-- through a series of presentations and surveys -- to provide feedback. Throughout the entire process, MMD worked to ensure all who participated felt heard, and ensured all input was considered in the process.

In the end, the new name, Youth Invest Partners, was a name that illustrated key priorities and differentiators for the new brand:  youth is at the forefront of the work, investing is the method in which the work is deployed and the depth of the partnerships that the organization forms and cultivates is its measure of success.

Once the new name was unanimously approved, MMD began a thorough conceptual design and messaging phase, creating a logo, brand style guide, collateral, print and digital assets, a new website, and a messaging document that recommended a new tagline, mission and vision statements, core values, and boilerplate brand language. The new logo mark, with its three colorful arcs, represents the spark of progress and the three action words that make up the new tagline: Collaborate. Innovate. Transform.

The new mark pays homage to the three squares of the VPP logo and the arrow of the Raise DC logo -- combining the power of three with the power of movement to inspire the new brand identity.

A vibrant color palette, including the dark blue that respects the equity of the old brand but adding a bright blue and a bright orange, exhudes energy -- the spark that comes together with community, business, government and nonprofit partners join to do the important work that needs to be done in support of the brand's vision: An equitable Greater Washington, where all young people thrive.

Design assets that were created were inspired by the excitement of the palette and, combined with powerful messaging, make a statement that this is a pivotal time for the organization and its partners to "dream big and do big."

The comprehensive scope of work included a full suite of marketing collateral, social media assets, a brand fact sheet. case for support and newly-launched website.

The rebrand was announced at an event and the new brand identity was rolled out over the course of several weeks through digital communications and a social media campaign.


Washington, DC, USA


Youth Invest Partners


Project Type



Total Built-Up Area


2023 - 2023


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Youth Invest Partners

Youth Invest Partners
Brand Development, Brand Identity, Digital Asset Design
2023 - 2023

In 2022 Venture Philanthropy Partners + Raise DC hired the MMD team to conduct a complete rebrand -- from a new name, messaging overhaul, new website and marketing collateral.

For more than two decades VPP was a well-regarded philanthropic investment organization that built strong nonprofits and strategic networks that improved the lives of children and youth throughout Greater Washington.

Since its inception, VPP developed the experience, capacity and credibility of bringing government, business and the nonprofit and philanthropic communities together to successfully advance cross-sector initiatives. Using its venture philanthropy model, it raised and deployed more than $110 million in funding to support capacity building initiatives in high-performing organizations where funding was scarce. VPP's large-scale, cross-sector, multi-year funding efforts combined investment capital, strategic assistance and a network of talented individuals with expertise in education, workforce development, social change, corporate philanthropy, government relations, outcomes, evaluation and finance.

In April of 2020, VPP formed a strategic alliance with Raise DC to build an investment organization capable of driving alignment among communities, spearheading a greater focus on collective impact.

The combined name was long and cumbersome, and leadership from both organizations agreed a rebrand would be essential in moving the work forward.

The MMD branding team was hired and immediately began a deep and extensive research and discovery phase, conducting interviews and workshops with founders, board and team members, partners, investors, and other key stakeholders to determine important strategic challenges and opportunities. Potential names were presented, along with high-level messaging, and all were invited-- through a series of presentations and surveys -- to provide feedback. Throughout the entire process, MMD worked to ensure all who participated felt heard, and ensured all input was considered in the process.

In the end, the new name, Youth Invest Partners, was a name that illustrated key priorities and differentiators for the new brand:  youth is at the forefront of the work, investing is the method in which the work is deployed and the depth of the partnerships that the organization forms and cultivates is its measure of success.

Once the new name was unanimously approved, MMD began a thorough conceptual design and messaging phase, creating a logo, brand style guide, collateral, print and digital assets, a new website, and a messaging document that recommended a new tagline, mission and vision statements, core values, and boilerplate brand language. The new logo mark, with its three colorful arcs, represents the spark of progress and the three action words that make up the new tagline: Collaborate. Innovate. Transform.

The new mark pays homage to the three squares of the VPP logo and the arrow of the Raise DC logo -- combining the power of three with the power of movement to inspire the new brand identity.

A vibrant color palette, including the dark blue that respects the equity of the old brand but adding a bright blue and a bright orange, exhudes energy -- the spark that comes together with community, business, government and nonprofit partners join to do the important work that needs to be done in support of the brand's vision: An equitable Greater Washington, where all young people thrive.

Design assets that were created were inspired by the excitement of the palette and, combined with powerful messaging, make a statement that this is a pivotal time for the organization and its partners to "dream big and do big."

The comprehensive scope of work included a full suite of marketing collateral, social media assets, a brand fact sheet. case for support and newly-launched website.

The rebrand was announced at an event and the new brand identity was rolled out over the course of several weeks through digital communications and a social media campaign.

“Excellent thought process. Clearly honors the legacy of VPP and demonstrates the growth of the organization through the years. Great merging of VPP and Raise DC...” - YI Board Member
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