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DCPS Connected Schools Brand Identity

DCPS Connected Schools Brand Identity

MMD collaborated with DC Public Schools (DCPS) to design a logo and brochure for the new "Connected Schools" initiative. Connected Schools partner with the community to provide an integrated approach to academics, health and social services, youth and community development, and community engagement. This holistic model aims to ensure that all students thrive by addressing their diverse needs comprehensively.

The MMD branding team developed a brand identity for the program, launched in the 2019-2020 school year. A bright and engaging color palette was selected to complement the existing DCPS brand, while the outline of the District of Columbia, featured in the logo pattern, symbolizes community and connectivity. This visual identity effectively communicates the program’s mission and values, making it easily recognizable and memorable.

To support the initiative, MMD designed an informative brochure that clearly explains the Connected Schools model and highlights the participating schools within the District. The design team worked closely with program administrators to create a compelling brand that would help meet important communications goals as the program continues to grow and expand.


Washington, DC, USA


DC Public Schools


Project Type



Total Built-Up Area




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DCPS Connected Schools Brand Identity

DC Public Schools

MMD collaborated with DC Public Schools (DCPS) to design a logo and brochure for the new "Connected Schools" initiative. Connected Schools partner with the community to provide an integrated approach to academics, health and social services, youth and community development, and community engagement. This holistic model aims to ensure that all students thrive by addressing their diverse needs comprehensively.

The MMD branding team developed a brand identity for the program, launched in the 2019-2020 school year. A bright and engaging color palette was selected to complement the existing DCPS brand, while the outline of the District of Columbia, featured in the logo pattern, symbolizes community and connectivity. This visual identity effectively communicates the program’s mission and values, making it easily recognizable and memorable.

To support the initiative, MMD designed an informative brochure that clearly explains the Connected Schools model and highlights the participating schools within the District. The design team worked closely with program administrators to create a compelling brand that would help meet important communications goals as the program continues to grow and expand.

"Communities and schools have symbiotic relationships -- when one succeeds, the other succeeds." - Chancellor Lewis D. Ferebee.
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