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Amazon HQ2 Achieves LEED Platinum
14 April, 2024

Amazon HQ2 Achieves LEED Platinum

Amazon HQ2 has been awarded LEED Platinum Certification, developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). LEED is the most widely used green building rating system in the world and guides design, construction, and operations practices that improve environmental and human health. Amazon HQ2 in Arlington, Virginia, is the largest newly constructed building and LEED v4 Building Design + Construction project in the world to achieve LEED Platinum Certification.

HQ2 was built using new, climate-friendly solutions such as low-carbon concrete, mass timber, electrified energy-efficient operations, advanced ways to reuse water, and two acres of landscaped roofs with native plants, as well as a focus on indoor environmental quality. 

“Amazon’s HQ2 achieved LEED certification for implementing practical and measurable strategies and solutions in areas including sustainable site development, water savings, energy efficiency, materials selection, and indoor environmental quality. Through innovative design and sustainable practices, HQ2 serves as a blueprint for other projects,” said Peter Templeton, president and CEO at USGBC. “Certification is proof that Amazon is going above and beyond to ensure its workspaces are constructed and operated to the highest level of sustainability.”

MMD was part of the design team working on office and amenity spaces in both towers of the project, as a consultant with Gensler’s regional office.

Learn more about the project here.